Richard Warren Young

note from the researchers: in september, 2023, we were about to drop this information when the fantastic folks at asheville antiracism put out an even better write-up. today, aug 5, 2024, we have decided to add to the algorithm and release this piece written a year ago.

Introducing Richard Warren Young

Richard Warren Young is a threat to the community. Young uses the name “Fucker” on social media and networking sites. He is currently registered to vote at a Wake Forest address in Granville County, and is also associated with his parents’ Creedmoor address in Wake County.

screenshot from gab post dated 8/7/23 shows still from video posted by "Fucker" with userid redactions. A man wearing a tan sweatshirt takes video of himself looking into camera from behind steering wheel of vehicle. The post says "just got done handing out 2000 GDL flyers."

Video still of Richard Warren Young in Wendell, NC, Aug 7, 2023

screenshot from gab post dated 9/11/23 shows still from video posted by "Fucker" with userid redactions. A man wearing a blue shirt sits behind the steering wheel looking into camera. The post says "just got done handing out 2000 GDL flyers."

Video still of Richard Warren Young in Rolesville, NC, Sept 11, 2023

We first took note of “Fucker” on telegram when he was a member of the North Carolina White Lives Matter channel in 2021 and 2022, where he quickly announced his views on the superiority of the white race and his need for “lots” of propaganda stickers. In May, 2022, “Fucker” added a Telegram profile picture that superimposed the Ku Klux Klan blood drop cross on a sonnenrad, or black sun. We have not confirmed whether Richard Young aka “Fucker” is a current or former member of the KKK. His current profile picture is of a less ubiquitous black sun-shaped icon, and is the same on Telegram and Gab.

Compilation of images tracing "Fucker" on Telgram and Gab. Current Gab and Telegram profile pictures are the same and are of a black sun image.

Richard Young, aka “Fucker” on Gab and Telegram

Over the past year-plus, hundreds of antisemitic flyers, stuffed Klan-style into plastic sandwich bags weighted with shelf stable goods like rice and seed, have been systematically tossed onto private property in neighborhoods in the triangle and triad regions of NC. Over the same period of time, antifascists have been following the anonymous social media accounts of the people taking responsibility.

On August 6, 2023, hundreds of residents in multiple Raleigh-area neighborhoods woke to driveways littered with plastic baggies. The flyers inside were printed with a mix of long-debunked antisemitic conspiracy theories and advertisements for a well-known neo-Nazi grifter who most recently co-organized a Nazi protest in Altamonte Springs, Fl.

On August 7, 2023, Richard Young posted a video to social media under his “Fucker” alias. After setting his phone seemingly on the driver-side door, Young can be seen driving through a neighborhood that we were able to identify being in Wendell, NC. He uses his knee to steer and both hands to grab and toss his filled plastic baggies out the window. Young uses a slur to describe Jewish people, the targets of his hate:
It’s time to name these slimy k****.”
“These motherfuckers can go to hell…”
“Fuck the police. Fuck the fucking…”

“No threats”

Over the several days following this August propaganda/trash drop, Young (“Fucker), and Chiddo as “Anti…89” reveled in the press their flyers were getting, and reiterated their legal innocence on the basis that they claimed not to have threatened violence. screenshot of post from "anti...89"Yet, just over a week before distributing those flyers, Richard Young posted a video that makes plain his interest in enacting violence on Jews. In the 1 minute, 24 second video he posted to his personal account, dated July 27, 2023, the camera focused on a homemade Israeli flag positioned in front of a bonfire near a treeline. From behind the camera, Young unloads six bullets into the flag, puts down his pump action shotgun, and walks toward the flag. As he walks, he announces that this is “…the proper way to dispose of Jews.” After tossing the flag into the fire, he says, “Get in the oven,” referencing the mass cremation of Jews at concentration camps in Nazi Germany. Click here for the full video.

Richard Warren Young of Creedmoor/Wake Forest, NC, video posted July 27, 2023

“It’s not about the tickets, it’s about doxxing us.”

On Tuesday, September 11, 2023, Rolesville (NC) PD pulled over and cited Joseph F Chiddo and Richard Warren Young for littering under general statue 14-399(c), alleging that they did

“recklessly throw, scatter, spill and place litter upon property not owned by the defendant by throwing ziploc bags containing rice, beans, pebbles, and antisemetic (sic) literature onto the driveways and properties of several neighborhoods within Rolesville.”

north carolina uniform citation for Richard Warren Young

official citation for Richard Warren Young

Young and Chiddo were cited on September 11, 2023, for instances of littering on September September 10, 2023. Click here for court documentation for Young and Chiddo.

After the citation, Richard Young, Joseph Chiddo, and other neo-Nazis took to social media using their anonymous accounts. Using the “An…89” handle, Chiddo informs us that he and Young were the ones cited, then does some of his typical slur-laden ranting. Someone asks Young how much the fines are, and he replies, “It’s not about the ticket. It’s about doxing (sic) us.”

screencap of gab post from "fucker" saying, "it's not about the ticket. It's about doxing us. We will beat the charges."

post from Richard Young

screencap of comments from "anti...89": "(redacted names) were pulled over and cited about 3 hours ago for recklessly throwing antisemitic literature onto driveways. again they were just citations but it was still a way to intimidate us..."

post from Joseph Chiddo

The momentary concern about “doxxing” having apparently passed, Young posted a video of the Rolesville traffic stop. The video picks up with a shot of Young waiting as he sits behind the driver’s seat of what appears to be the same truck we saw in the earlier video in Wendell. We learn that he has been pulled over by Rolesville PD, who approach the vehicle and give a printed citation to Young and to the person holding the camera, which we now know to have been Chiddo. Another officer approaches the vehicle and explains to the two men that if they continue to drop plastic bags of trash around Rolesville, they will be cited for each instance. Young becomes visibly angry and argues about his first amendment rights before being casually released, at which point he turns the ignition back on, gets his phone back from Chiddo, and stops the video.

Richard W Young and Joseph F Chiddo receive citations from Rolesville PD on Sept. 11, 2023 Click for video

Social Media, Employment, Community

Richard Warren Young does not have a mainstream social media presence that we are aware of at the time of publishing. We were able to source two photographs of him on a family member’s Facebook from 2010. One of these photos includes the tattoo that is visible on his arm in the Rolesville video he posted on Gab.

Images of Richard Young from Facebook and from his own Gab, showing his tattoo

Richard Young, in pictures taken from Facebook and Gab

We believe that Young has worked on construction and hardwood floor installation projects in the past, but we do not know if or where he is currently employed. We believe he is most likely to be working in Granville, Wake, and Franklin Counties. Our research leads us to the conclusion that Richard Warren Young’s father’s first and middle names are the reverse of his own, and we believe the citation lists his father’s legal address. Public records show that Richard Warren Young is registered to vote at an address in Wake Forest that is owned by his mother.

Richard Young and Joseph Chiddo are scheduled to appear in Wake County court on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, to address their citations. According to reporting from WRAL, the district attorney has said the investigation is ongoing and that Young and Chiddo may collect more charges, including possible federal charges.

Our intent is to balance sharing what is needed for community safety with redacting some information to minimize further networking opportunities. Please reach out with any questions or tips.

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Nicholas Garner Fisher and Blood Tribe Dixie: A Revisiting

Update: Within hours of this post going live, the Blood Tribe Dixie channel went private.

On July 5, 2024, a new Telegram channel went live for the Dixie chapter of the neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe. The next day, during a podcast episode, Blood Tribe leader Chris Pohlhaus stated that he and his group are planning to hold their next march “on the eastern side of the country.” [edit: within hours of publishing this piece, the new Blood Tribe Dixie channel was made private.]

Meanwhile, a Blood Tribe Dixie member going by Gladiator would like your attention for all the wrong reasons. Friends in the Southeast and beyond: We’d like to reintroduce you to Nicholas Garner Fisher, aka Gladiator, currently registered to vote at his mother’s home in Raleigh, NC (though we believe he actually resides elsewhere).

Previous Info Release
Garner Fisher was first introduced in August, 2021, as a Proud Boy hanger-on. The write-up detailed his 2020-2021 attendance at multiple events in North Carolina and Washington, D.C.; some posts from his now-deleted personal Facebook account; and a nod to his employment and criminal record.

At that point, the most recent event at which his attendance had been documented was the World Wide (sic) Freedom rally in Raleigh, NC, on July 24, 2021. Later, we published stills from video shared by antisfascists that show Garner Fisher with two Patriot Front members, Patrick NC, and Adam NC. We identified Adam NC as Michael A. Jones, a repeat rapist and member of neo-Nazi accelerationist group The Base. Patrick NC has not been publicly named as of this writing.

screenshot of telegram post from Gladiator, who has a drop of blood next to his name, signifying association w/Blood Tribe. Profile picture is of a person facing away from the camera, crouching, with a small child next to him. They appear to be fishing.Okay.

Garner Fisher Shills for Blood Tribe
On September 2, 2023, in Orlando, Florida, Blood Tribe held a self-coined “March of the Redshirts,” in what antifascist scholar and author Spencer Sunshine called a “coming out” for a “new wave of neo-Nazi groups”. We don’t know if Garner Fisher was in Orlando; we do know that he quickly started posting videos and images from the event, and within a few days had added a red blood drop next to his name on Telegram. Telegram users–particularly white nationalists, neo-Nazis, skinheads, and active club members–use symbols next to their names to signal what group(s) they identify with; some Blood Tribe members use the red drop of blood.

The day after the Orlando event, Garner Fisher posted (and quickly deleted) a picture of himself with Kent “Boneface” McLellan. McLellan gained notoriety as a heavily tattooed Swastika-bearing loudmouth in Orlando, but his otherwise stellar impact among the crème de la crème was stymied when it came to light that he is a big fat liar. With the prescience of a turd, Garner Fisher captioned the photo, “Two guys y’all may know and the legendary boneface. He’s real, hammer is real and Blood tribe is a legitimate and great group.”

screencap of telegram post including photograph of three shirtless men posing for the camera. garner fisher is on the left and wears a black hat and jeans. he has several visible tattoos, which is nothing compared to the person in the center--boneface--whose entire face and head are covered in ink. interestingly, his semi-bloated abdomen is the only visible part of his body that is not tattooed. the man on the right has wet hair and it appears he's spent time outdoors in a sleeveless tank, based on his tanlines. his hair is wet. behind the men there is a caution sign posted, as one might see at a hotel pool.

Garner Fisher (l), poses for a picture with Kent “Boneface” McLellan (m), unknown (r), apparently at a hotel pool.

Sanford, NC, October 15, 2023
While not sanctioned as a Blood Tribe event, Fisher joined neo-Nazis Ryan Patrick (Blood Tribe), Jarrett William Smith (“bomb-loving neo-Nazi”), and Jere Brower (Aryan Nations) in protesting a drag story hour in Sanford, NC, on October 15, 2023, as reported by Raw Story’s Jordan Green. Once again, Garner Fisher quickly shared media from the event.

In a still from video shared by Raw Story, Garner Fisher can be seen wearing a black cowboy hat with an Iron Cross pin in the center, a skull mask, mirrored glasses regularly worn by Blood Tribe at protests, and a Carhartt-style shirt. A child in an oversized jacket stands with and behind him throughout much of the day. A video shared online shows the group of neo-Nazis walking to the protest venue, with Garner Fisher, the child (in a white cowboy hat), and Ryan Patrick in the assigned matching skull masks at the rear.

Garner Fisher has a son under ten years of age and has told a group of neo-Nazis and white nationalists that his “boy is one of us.” On November 26, 2023, Garner Fisher posted an audio-clip in which he uses a slur to rant about Black people. At the end of the clip, he instructs someone who sounds like a child to repeat the phrase, “F*** ni****s.” We are concerned about this child and are putting this information here for the people in his life who love him, in case they are unaware that his father is actively grooming him into a world of hate, violence and neo-Nazism.

Blood Tribe Dixie, redux

In August 2023, Atlanta Antifascists wrote about Blood Tribe Dixie and their leader at the time, Steven Jason Parr. Parr–under his “Samizdat” handle–is still active with the group, but leadership with the Dixie division has seemingly fallen into the hands of Garner Fisher.

When the new Blood Tribe Dixie channel went live in July, 2024, we quickly suspected Garner Fisher might be behind it. An early post on the channel featured an edited picture of Garner Fisher at the Sanford, NC, event.

The channel has posted appreciation for the Ku Klux Klan and for Garner Fisher’s beloved Confederacy, which he celebrates as a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Colonel Leonidas L. Polk Camp 1486, out of Garner, Wake County, NC.

The channel posted a video of a man doing a Nazi salute while leaving the Raleigh, NC, location of Boxcar Bar + Arcade. We are nearly certain this is Garner Fisher in the video, though he has a habit of regurgitating videos of himself and making up different stories to go with them, so we put little stock in his caption. We do not know when the video was taken, though it appears to be fall or winter based on the clothing and the fact that there is football playing in the background.

Eventually, changes to the channel settings showed that Garner Fisher is, indeed, responsible for at least some of the content on the Blood Tribe Dixie channel. In a recent post, Garner Fisher showed his disregard for nature by collecting live sand dollars in the service of a shitty white power family arts and crafts project.

While his name still shows up as Gladiator, Garner Fisher recently changed his Telegram handle from CarolinaGladiator to SandDuneOutLaw, a nod to the North Carolina coast where he spent his early youth, and where he apparently did not learn respect for ocean life.

Skateboarding and Comedy
Garner Fisher is still active in the skateboarding community, claiming professional status as recently as July, 2024. As Gladiator, he posts pictures of himself skating and of his boards–many of them decorated with white nationalist symbols and slogans–often to fascist and neo-Nazi Telegram channels. There are still a number of images and videos to be found online of Garner Fisher skating, including this stunner move. Cool shorts, bro.

One channel Gladiator frequented regularly in the second half of 2023 was the now-defunct “Sk88ter Brigade” chat, where grown men used skating to recruit youth into the white power movement. The chat was associated with a channel called “Fascher Magazine,” a riff on the skating media brand Thrasher. When Garner Fisher joined the chat on August 27, 2023, he quickly posted several photographs saying he appreciated the channel name and announced that he is “banned from the mag,” referencing Thrasher Magazine. He then posted pictures of some of the alleged swag his supposed ‘west coast sponsor’ sent, unintentionally demonstrating just how shitty the white power skateboarding movement is (not to mention the questionable “professional” status he claims if this is what ‘sponsorship’ looks like).

We believe Garner Fisher has been politely uninvited from some skate parks, particularly in Raleigh, NC, but we have identified the Chapel Hill Skate Park at Homestead Park (Chapel Hill, NC) in some pictures he has posted recently.

We know that Garner Fisher recycles pictures, so we aren’t sure exactly how recent this was taken. While researching, we learned of a new skate park in nearby Hillsborough, NC, and we encourage folks in these areas to be alert to this self-described nazi. As a skater, names Garner Fisher has used include: Gladiator, Carolina Gladiator, Nazi Skateboarder, Gargnar, and Gnarly Sheen, and should be considered a threat in every community.In addition to his career as a “professional” skateboarder, Garner Fisher claims to be a “comedian.” We have not found evidence of him being funny, but we believe that he’s probably tried to get laughs from a stage somewhere, sometime. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW IN THE COMEDY COMMUNITY. Garner Fisher does travel a decent amount, and may try to do shows in North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, Florida, and elsewhere.

Other Associations/Employment
Shockingly, Garner Fisher does not earn enough as a “professional skateboarder” and “comedian” to get by. While living in Tennessee circa 2011-2014, Fisher claims to have considered a career in law enforcement, specifically for cover in enacting violence on Black people. Content warning for unedited audio of slurs and reference to violence. You can hear the audio {HERE}.

Garner Fisher claims he has recently moved, gotten a new job, and is engaged to be married, though we have not been able to confirm or deny these claims. He alleges that his fiancee is generally supportive of his ideology, and that she assists him with his participation in the weekly neo-Nazi podcast. Previous employment we are aware of include cement contracting work and residential wildlife control.

Garner Fisher was listed as a new member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Colonel Leonidas L. Polk Camp 1486, out of Garner, Wake County, NC, on page 45 of the May/June, 2021, edition of The Confederate Veteran.

Action Items, Future Events

  • Blood Tribe leader Chris Pohlhaus recently claimed that his goal is for Blood Tribe to march in every state capitol, with the next march taking place somewhere on the eastern side of the United States. Keep a close eye on your state capitols and lgbtqia-friendly events they might be interested in targeting.
  • Make sure your friends and family who skate are aware of local neo-Nazis, including Garner Fisher, and keep your children away from him.
  • Spread the word about Garner Fisher in your local comedy scene. No laughs for nazis.

Reach out with any questions or tips:

We have chosen not to name the podcast referenced throughout this piece. Please feel free to reach out and we will share privately if needed. Similarly, we are not amplifying Garner Fisher’s white power skateboarding/Blood Tribe social media accounts.


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Christopher “Chris” James Andrew Woodall

Authors’ Note:
What would you do if you learned about a white nationalist/supremacist who is actively recruiting other like-minded white people, who publicly glorifies Hitler and the 14 words, who casually tosses around his desire for a racial holy war (RAHOWA), and who was hired to work as law enforcement by Guilford County, NC? We decided to identify him, his bigotry, and call for his termination. We also decided to tell a trusted journalist about him.  Jordan Green with Raw Story has just reported that Christopher James Andrew Woodall is no longer employed by GCSO, but is still a member of the Army Reserves according to the Army. Read Jordan’s piece HERE, and continue reading below for more on this white nationalist organizer in Winston-Salem.

Introducing Christopher James Andrew Woodall

Christopher Woodall keeps a relatively low profile on social media. All the accounts we have found are under pseudonyms or his first and one of his middle names. He doesn’t post a lot publicly and when he does, the posts may be blisteringly overt white nationalist crap. Other posts may be about tanks, his time in the military, or selfies from the gym. He has several unique tattoos. He doesn’t post anything publicly about his family or his current employment, although he has posted in several places and with multiple accounts that he lives in Forsyth County, specifically Winston-Salem. He has posted that he has “8 years experience in the Army (combat arms) and Law Enforcement.”

Chris Woodall has prominent epaulet tassel tattoos on both shoulders, two dark rectangle shapes under his clavicle on either side of his sternum, a large-ish piece on the inside of his left forearm, and a couple small pieces on the inside of his right forearm. A lot of imagery on his TikTok and facebook are him glamming his muscles; these images feature both his epaulet tattoos and a lot of the gym he frequents.

Compilation of images featuring Chris Woodall from his TikTok and Instagram pages.

Chris Woodall’s public facing social media is primarily selfies of him in the military, tanks, him at the gym, and assorted white nationalist and extremist content.

We believe that gym with the distinctive gray and red check floor to be Workout Anytime, a 24 hour gym chain with a location in Winston-Salem. A lot of his other social media imagery is of tanks. He posted a number of compilation videos featuring tanks, using the same videos in different combinations. Many of these videos have a first person perspective that would have been best achieved by someone in / on the tank. He also posted how he pretends “to shoot at trucks full of Commies” with his tank.

Image is from the viewpoint of a person on top of a tank, looking down the barrel at what they are aiming. This image from Ballistic's TikTok reads: I'm a simple man. I come to fields, and pretend to shoot at trucks full of Commies. A simple field Maus, if you will. #usarmy #tankerlife #19kilo #gunnery #M1Abrams"

Chris Woodall loves his tanks, glorifies violence, and drops German words in some strange *wink* *nudge* not-saying-the-word-Nazi kind of way.


In September 2020, a Guilford County press release announced that Christopher Woodall was a new hire for “law enforcement.” In October 2020, a month after the county’s press release, Chris’s wife, who we are not naming because we cannot conclusively prove she is anything other than complicit with her husband’s extremist views,  posted an image to her social media of their young family. Chris Woodall is wearing a Guilford County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) uniform and the patch on his shoulder identifies him as a detention officer. While we have not been able to confirm his current employment with the Guilford Sheriff’s Office, Woodall was featured (center frame) in an October 29, 2021, public social media post celebrating the recent graduates of the department’s Detention Officer Training Academy. This photo was also used as recruitment PR for Guilford County Sheriff’s Office. We believe these images of the 2021 Detention Officer Training graduates were photographed at Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC), Jamestown Campus. GTCC Public Safety Training Center offers “pre-service and in-service training to all branches of public safety professionals.” We mention this because we will discuss how Woodall complained about a change in his daily schedule (he was attending classes) and going to the gym on campus. We wanted to try to identify that campus.


In late 2020 and January 2021, presumably while he was working for the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office, Chris Woodall used a since-deleted Telegram account to recruit for the North Carolina chapter of the American Guard.

His username was “Chris NC” did not have a unique profile image, and his bio read: “Unreconstructed til the end.” (“Unreconstructed” is a uniquely American South term that bigots use to show their loyalty to the Confederate States and society that represented (read: racial segregation and white supremacy).) Woodall claimed to be the current President of NC AG, a founding member of the American Guard in 2016, and a resident of Forsyth County, NC. We could not confirm that Woodall was a founding AG member, but he did live in Indiana around that time. Woodall also posted that he was an active member of the National Guard and that his unit was under standby orders in the aftermath of the January 6, 2021 insurrection. On January 15, 2021, the same day that he was trying to exert his expertise by sharing his military and extremist resume, he shared that he is absolutely raising his son to “hate his enemies with a perfect hatred.”

In the channel they had set up for vetting prospective recruits, the person writing under the channel username (NC AG Vetting/Support) claimed to have military experience and the power to dictate roles in the chapter leadership. We assume the alleged chapter president, Chris Woodall, was writing the posts under the channel username (Telegram does allow for users to post under the channel name if the user has the appropriate app permissions). NC AG Vetting/Support said they were recovering from a broken leg and that they live in Winston-Salem. On December 10, 2020, Woodall’s wife’s facebook commented “I wanted to attend this one but busted my leg a few weeks ago” on a Winston-Salem event that taught tactics of defensive force. We cannot prove that Chris Woodall was using his wife’s account, but the tone of the post is unlike anything she had posted.

Woodall changed his username after antifascists tweeted about his NC American Guard recruitment channel on January 27, 2021. We’ll refer to this renamed account as “Ballistic.” His “Ballistic” account did not have a unique profile image, and his bio still read: “Unreconstructed til the end.” Antifascists did not know his identity at the time.

Woodall was a member of a United Patriot Party Telegram channel that was a post-January 6 haven for frustrated right-wing conservatives and extremists. On January 16, 2021, Woodall posted in that channel that he lived in Forsyth County, followed immediately with his American Guard pitch and a link to join the North Carolina American Guard vetting channel he operated. We caught this screenshot after he changed his username from “Chris NC” to “Ballistic.”

“Ballistic” posted his American Guard recruitment post into a Patriot Party channel, after he claimed to be from Forsyth County, NC.

At some point, Woodall deleted this “Ballistic” Telegram account.


Chris Woodall has a private instagram account and a public TikTok account, both of which used the term “Ballistic.” Woodall’s Insta profile photo is himself, wearing a gas mask. His unique shoulder epaulet tattoos are visible. Christopher James Andrew Woodall’s Insta bio reads: “Christopher James | Nordic Wotanist | Purist | Honor, family, and a good death | [cancel emoji] 19th | Trample the weak | Modernity=Cancer | 14 Whiskey Oscar Romeo Delta.”

Chris Woodall used one of his middle names on his Instagram account, identifying himself as “Christopher James”

Chris Woodall aka Christopher James’s Instagram profile image is of himself, with a firearm, wearing a gas mask, a Superman tank, and his unbuttoned pants are held up by suspenders.

Woodall’s Instagram bio announces that he’s a white nationalist pagan. “Nordic Wotanist” is confusing because Wotan is the German name for the Norse god Odin; Wotanism is a racist derivation of the pagan religion, Odinism. Chris Woodall’s bio terms “Purist” and “Nationalist” are self-explanatory. “Honor, family, and a good death” announce Woodall’s dedication to his reputation and his family; “a good death” is a phrase that typically means the person will remain true to his values no matter what challenges he may face. “[cancel emoji] 19th,” “Trample the weak,” and “Modernity=Cancer” don’t ping any particular white supremacist adherents but all these sentiments have been echoed by other bigots who felt modern society diluted the power of white people, specifically challenging the patriarchal power of white men. “14 Whiskey Oscar Romeo Delta” is the 14 words slogan, another David Lane creation.


Chris Woodall has a moderate following on his public TikTok. He has posted videos of his face, videos including his epaulet tattoos, images from his time in the Army National Guard, weight lifting videos, and accelerationist propaganda. His bio reads: “No political solution. WPWW. My favorite painter is Austrian. [cancel emoji] 19th.”

July 19, 2023, screenshot of “Ballistic”‘s TikTok page.

Woodall’s TikTok bio announces he advocates for a violent upheaval of the existing system, ostensibly to re-empower white people. “No political solution” is a well-worn phrase for accelerationists because of the collected writings of neo-Nazi James Mason (Siege). Put simply, accelerationism is about destabilizing society as quickly as possible with the goal of creating a different social structure. Woodall is absolutely a right-wing accelerationist, as the next tick in his bio is “WPWW”, an acronym for “White Pride Worldwide.” “My favorite painter is Austrian” could be a lot of things, however one of the more recent videos on Woodall’s TikTok begins with a video of Joseph Goebbels delivering his Total War speech in Berlin, February 18, 1943. Readers remember that Goebbels was Adolph Hilter’s propaganda minister and that Adolph Hitler was an Austrian-born artist who painted unremarkable watercolors before he mandated the systematic murders of millions of people. Woodall captioned his video: “IYKYK [shrug emoji] Ra,Ho,Wa,” meaning “if you know you know” and “racial holy war.” Chris Woodall posted this video to his TikTok on July 1, 2023. Other images in the video are images of armed soldiers with blurred faces in broken buildings. The face redaction suggests to us these photos may be from his personal archive. The video ends with a still image of a human and the phrase “not peace but a sword,” a distillation of Matthew 10:34, from the Christian Bible. A user commented on that video: “for anyone that doesn’t get it, he worships 1940s Germany leader [vomit emojis].” Woodall replied: “Just a smol correction – We*.”

July 2, 2023, response to a user commenting on his RAHOWA TikTok video.

In a March 2023 comment on his “Embrace European Culture” video, he wrote: “Cheat sheet for ya I’m too old to debate people that hate me. As a White person you’re either a traitor or not IMO. I’m not here to debate anyone. [grinning emoji].” Extremists using the term “race traitor” are more often that not familiar with the Turner Diaries and the “day of the rope.”

On March 13, 2023, Woodall commented on his TikTok video that he identifies as a capital W white person and that white people may be traitors to their race.

Telegram again

Christopher James Andrew Woodall’s current Telegram account offers more information than the previous, now-deleted Chris NC / “Ballistic” account. The new account, which we’ll call “Berserker,” has profile images we recognized from social media accounts we thought were affiliated with the Chris NC / Ballistic telegram account. Woodall removed the TikTok watermark when he posted a particular video to his Telegram profile images, but he did not remove the TikTok watermark when he posted the same video into his white nationalist channel discussion, writing: “Here’s a video from our last [training] session. If anyone is foggy on the nature of the activities.” (The video features men dressed in fatigues and wielding automatic firearms. For parts of the video footage they are firing the weapons; in other parts of the video they are moving with and around each other with their weapons raised simulating urban combat training exercises.)

On March 12 and 14, 2023, Woodall helpfully confirmed that the “Ballistic” TikTok account is his and talked about posting more now that he was separated from the military.

“Berserker” confirms the address of his TikTok account.

At the time of publishing, Chris Woodall has set his TikTok account to private and removed all content from his bio.

Antifascists infiltrated Woodall’s white nationalist Telegram channel in spring 2023 expecting to find posts by bigots trying to organize an active club. And they did: the early posts in the channel, posted from April to May 2022, declared they had printed stickers to spread their white supremacist propaganda. The next post, dated January 19, 2023, did not mention stickering, instead proclaiming “real training with like-minded folk.”

In Telegram, a channel may have a separate and unique linked area called a discussion. The discussion for this channel had posts as far back as September 2021 and indicated that the channel had originally been a chat for the western North Carolina American Guard chapter. Some of those members were also Proud Boys.

The first archived post in the discussion was dated September 22, 2021. User “mike” posted that he “made this chat for patched members” of American Guard. “Berserker” responded positively.

The primary speakers early on in the discussion group were then-NC West American Guard (AG) leadership: president Bobby Gales (“Deleted Account”; previous usernames were “Mr Right 2°” and “Bam Bam 2°”)(Denton, NC), vice president Ted Parsons (“mike”)(Asheboro, NC), and sergeant-at-arms Chris Woodall (“Berserker”). Bobby Gales was a 2nd degree Proud Boy, which is why both his Bam Bam and Mr Right handles end with a 2°.

Bobby Gales operated the Bam Bam 2° and Mr Right 2° telegram accounts.
He used them to network and organize with Proud Boys, of which he was a member, and American Guard, he was president of the NC West chapter for a while.
Unknown what his current status is with either group.

Ted Parsons was the vice president of the NC West American Guard chapter in late 2021.
Unknown what his current status is with the group.
For his telegram profile photo, he lifted a still frame from a video he posted to his TikTok.

James May was, in fall 2021, allegedly both a Proud Boy and a member of American Guard.
Unknown what his status is currently with either group.
He used the same smiling profile photo from his Facebook account for his Telegram avatar.

They spoke about the division of the state into East and West AG chapters and that then-NC East AG president Hussein Hill, a former Proud Boy, may be stepping down and James May, a 3rd degree Proud Boy based in Wake Forest, NC, was stepping into the role and that he would disregard how the West NC leads were running their chapter. They cautioned each other about how indiscreet Rob “Rollo” Clayborn (Cumberland County) is with information. We knew Clayborn held overlapping memberships as an active Proud Boy and patched American Guard in 2019. It is unknown if Clayborn was a card carrying member of either Proud Boys or American Guard during these September 2021 discussions. Woodall wrote in the discussion that he thought Clayborn was not a member of American Guard, despite being added to American Guard chats.

Chris Woodall complained via voice recording several times in the discussion about his current schedule forcing him to be less available. He complained about the 30 minute drive from home to “campus” (Winston Salem is approximately a 30 minute commute to the Guilford Technical Community College Jamestown campus). He complained about having to be “on campus” five days a week, 8am – 6pm, and that he looked forward to returning to his regular work schedule after October 15th: 12 hr days, 2 days on 2 days off, and every other weekend is a three-day weekend. He shared that he’s in uniform “on campus” and that he frequents the gym there.

The discussion took a turn in late April 2022 when Greensboro Proud Boy Joey Maness (“L3G3ND”) was invited into the channel. He posted that when Bobby (presumably Bobby Gales) was recently in touch about computer help, Gales also said he received a visit from the FBI and that his name “was given by Yut.” (Yut or Yut Yut, aka Charles Donohoe, Proud Boy, arrested March 11, 2021 and in early April 2022 pleaded guilty to conspiracy and assault charges for his involvement in the January 6, 2021 insurrection; part of his plea deal was to cooperate with federal agencies.) The discussion group went silent and stayed silent until January 19, 2023 when Woodall changed the group to “[REDACTED] nationalist chat.” With his first post the next day, he explained that he has “opened this chat for corespondents [sic]. If you’re interested in training with like minded folk, reach out to me in this chat.”

User “mike” added “L3G3ND” to the chat discussion on April 22, 2022. The sequence of messages were the last archived in the chat until “Berserker” changed the name of the chat to his “nationalist chat.”

People trickled into the chat from January to June 2023. Shortly after anyone joined, Chris Woodall, using his “Berserker” handle, described his goals to the group. On March 10, 2023, he claimed his group would not attend rallies, sticker, “or waste time with activism.” On March 28, 2023, he wrote: “Greetings [REDACTED]. Welcome. As stated before, I run a White nationalist training group here in Central Carolina. We train in firearms, combat tactics, gear setup, medical care, homesteading and general orientation of your favorite flavor of SHTF. We’re still in our infancy, and we’re working toward everyone paying the dues to access a mutual partners firing range for permanent training base of operations. If you’re interested in joining us just let me know and I’ll get you plugged in to audit out [sic] next meet.”

Woodall’s white nationalist group would train at either a personal property in Reidsville, a firing range in Salisbury (that they would have to pay to use), or a “clubhouse” “at my personal home in Winston” for classroom oriented meets.

Without giving his legal name, “Berserker” described how he’s looking to add to his tribe and warband. He elaborated on June 8, 2023: “Groups really aren’t the way to go anymore IMO. I’ve done everything from running a state for the KKK to larping with the NSM. I’ve been in too many political groups to name, brother. They all end up the same. All talk, lots of drugs usually, lots of useless hot air. It’s the biggest reason that I preach tribalism these days. My buddies families and mine are bound and we’ll have each other’s backs if SHTF.”

Days before a scheduled early April meetup, Woodall posted: “Sorry guys, but I’ve officially killed the group. Sudden, I know, but I’m tired of people being fair weather warriors if that makes sense. No more training, at least not by me. We are still open to meeting everyone here and at least becoming Tribe together.” Two months later, he elaborated on his frustration with the chat after someone else joined: “I’ve wanted to get everyone to a meet and greet, but it doesn’t seem like anybody wants to take the time or effort to do so really. I’ve kept the chat open just in case, but if you’d like to try to get something together, feel free to reach out. I’m always checking the chats” and “I know a couple families that are White nationalists that aren’t in this chat in the area. .. I’ve expressed interest in everyone here getting all of our families together for a meet and greet before and becoming a tribe. .. I have 2 young kids, my buddies have 5 between them. So it would be great if everyone here were willing to meet and greet.. I was running a training camp once per month, but as can be gleaned from the pinned message, nobody seemed to want to make the effort do it besides myself and one other guy.”

Chris Woodall joined a different active club channel on July 12, 2023. The channel advertises its location base as western NC. Under the umbrella of anti-Semitism, this active club claims “harvest season is here” and that white men need to train to be ready for the fight. They require members to post a “skin check” photo because they declare they are a whites-only group. Woodall did not post an image into the chat, but he’s also the only member who is using a personal photo as his profile image. He asked how to join the active club and was told that he would be vetted off-channel within days.

Chris Woodall, via his “Berserker” telegram account, is still trying to participate in white nationalist activism and organizing here in North Carolina.


We can confirm that Christopher James Andrew Woodall operates the “Berserker” Telegram account, the white nationalist “Christopher James” instagram account, and the white nationalist “Ballistic” TikTok account. We also believe he operated the Telegram account that was once named “Chris NC.” We can confirm that Chris Woodall graduated from Guilford County Detention Officer Training in 2021 and his wife confirmed he was an active Sheriff’s Office Detention Officer in 2020. We can confirm that Chris Woodall was one of the few members of a telegram chat populated by American Guard members and Proud Boy/American Guard dual members as recently as April 2022, after which he used the same chat to promote his white nationalist active club. When that club appeared unsuccessful, Chris Woodall joined another white nationalist active club.

Jordan’s Green’s solid reporting on Chris Woodall, “U.S. Army reservist ran a ‘white nationalist’ training camp and touted KKK ties,” filled in gaps that we weren’t able to answer during our investigation. We are grateful that Chris Woodall is no longer employed as a detention officer in Guilford County and hasn’t been for approximately 18 months. It is interesting to learn that he was charged with misdemeanor simple affray (he told Green it was a “road-rage incident”) and suspended for a week in September 2021 as a result. This coincides with the time we believe he was attending classes for Detention Officer Training, likely at GTCC. He was also very active in the American Guard chat in late September 2021; readers remember we identified him as the chapter sergeant-at-arms during that time.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that a man who thinks white people are superior and who joined the military to “prove his manhood in combat” would find and retain employment giving him legal and physical power over other people. He should not be allowed to have that power. We question how Woodall was able to pass the background check required to be hired as law enforcement in light of his public social media presence but appreciate that a person who claims that captioning a TikTok video “IYKYK [shrug emoji] Ra,Ho,Wa” (RAHOWA) is “satire” is likely a frequent liar (Woodall claimed this to Green in an interview). Or at the very least, he subverts the truth to fit his narrative.

We appreciate any tips on his current employment, especially if he is wearing a badge. Please send to


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