Richard Warren Young

note from the researchers: in september, 2023, we were about to drop this information when the fantastic folks at asheville antiracism put out an even better write-up. today, aug 5, 2024, we have decided to add to the algorithm and release this piece written a year ago.

Introducing Richard Warren Young

Richard Warren Young is a threat to the community. Young uses the name “Fucker” on social media and networking sites. He is currently registered to vote at a Wake Forest address in Granville County, and is also associated with his parents’ Creedmoor address in Wake County.

screenshot from gab post dated 8/7/23 shows still from video posted by "Fucker" with userid redactions. A man wearing a tan sweatshirt takes video of himself looking into camera from behind steering wheel of vehicle. The post says "just got done handing out 2000 GDL flyers."

Video still of Richard Warren Young in Wendell, NC, Aug 7, 2023

screenshot from gab post dated 9/11/23 shows still from video posted by "Fucker" with userid redactions. A man wearing a blue shirt sits behind the steering wheel looking into camera. The post says "just got done handing out 2000 GDL flyers."

Video still of Richard Warren Young in Rolesville, NC, Sept 11, 2023

We first took note of “Fucker” on telegram when he was a member of the North Carolina White Lives Matter channel in 2021 and 2022, where he quickly announced his views on the superiority of the white race and his need for “lots” of propaganda stickers. In May, 2022, “Fucker” added a Telegram profile picture that superimposed the Ku Klux Klan blood drop cross on a sonnenrad, or black sun. We have not confirmed whether Richard Young aka “Fucker” is a current or former member of the KKK. His current profile picture is of a less ubiquitous black sun-shaped icon, and is the same on Telegram and Gab.

Compilation of images tracing "Fucker" on Telgram and Gab. Current Gab and Telegram profile pictures are the same and are of a black sun image.

Richard Young, aka “Fucker” on Gab and Telegram

Over the past year-plus, hundreds of antisemitic flyers, stuffed Klan-style into plastic sandwich bags weighted with shelf stable goods like rice and seed, have been systematically tossed onto private property in neighborhoods in the triangle and triad regions of NC. Over the same period of time, antifascists have been following the anonymous social media accounts of the people taking responsibility.

On August 6, 2023, hundreds of residents in multiple Raleigh-area neighborhoods woke to driveways littered with plastic baggies. The flyers inside were printed with a mix of long-debunked antisemitic conspiracy theories and advertisements for a well-known neo-Nazi grifter who most recently co-organized a Nazi protest in Altamonte Springs, Fl.

On August 7, 2023, Richard Young posted a video to social media under his “Fucker” alias. After setting his phone seemingly on the driver-side door, Young can be seen driving through a neighborhood that we were able to identify being in Wendell, NC. He uses his knee to steer and both hands to grab and toss his filled plastic baggies out the window. Young uses a slur to describe Jewish people, the targets of his hate:
It’s time to name these slimy k****.”
“These motherfuckers can go to hell…”
“Fuck the police. Fuck the fucking…”

“No threats”

Over the several days following this August propaganda/trash drop, Young (“Fucker), and Chiddo as “Anti…89” reveled in the press their flyers were getting, and reiterated their legal innocence on the basis that they claimed not to have threatened violence. screenshot of post from "anti...89"Yet, just over a week before distributing those flyers, Richard Young posted a video that makes plain his interest in enacting violence on Jews. In the 1 minute, 24 second video he posted to his personal account, dated July 27, 2023, the camera focused on a homemade Israeli flag positioned in front of a bonfire near a treeline. From behind the camera, Young unloads six bullets into the flag, puts down his pump action shotgun, and walks toward the flag. As he walks, he announces that this is “…the proper way to dispose of Jews.” After tossing the flag into the fire, he says, “Get in the oven,” referencing the mass cremation of Jews at concentration camps in Nazi Germany. Click here for the full video.

Richard Warren Young of Creedmoor/Wake Forest, NC, video posted July 27, 2023

“It’s not about the tickets, it’s about doxxing us.”

On Tuesday, September 11, 2023, Rolesville (NC) PD pulled over and cited Joseph F Chiddo and Richard Warren Young for littering under general statue 14-399(c), alleging that they did

“recklessly throw, scatter, spill and place litter upon property not owned by the defendant by throwing ziploc bags containing rice, beans, pebbles, and antisemetic (sic) literature onto the driveways and properties of several neighborhoods within Rolesville.”

north carolina uniform citation for Richard Warren Young

official citation for Richard Warren Young

Young and Chiddo were cited on September 11, 2023, for instances of littering on September September 10, 2023. Click here for court documentation for Young and Chiddo.

After the citation, Richard Young, Joseph Chiddo, and other neo-Nazis took to social media using their anonymous accounts. Using the “An…89” handle, Chiddo informs us that he and Young were the ones cited, then does some of his typical slur-laden ranting. Someone asks Young how much the fines are, and he replies, “It’s not about the ticket. It’s about doxing (sic) us.”

screencap of gab post from "fucker" saying, "it's not about the ticket. It's about doxing us. We will beat the charges."

post from Richard Young

screencap of comments from "anti...89": "(redacted names) were pulled over and cited about 3 hours ago for recklessly throwing antisemitic literature onto driveways. again they were just citations but it was still a way to intimidate us..."

post from Joseph Chiddo

The momentary concern about “doxxing” having apparently passed, Young posted a video of the Rolesville traffic stop. The video picks up with a shot of Young waiting as he sits behind the driver’s seat of what appears to be the same truck we saw in the earlier video in Wendell. We learn that he has been pulled over by Rolesville PD, who approach the vehicle and give a printed citation to Young and to the person holding the camera, which we now know to have been Chiddo. Another officer approaches the vehicle and explains to the two men that if they continue to drop plastic bags of trash around Rolesville, they will be cited for each instance. Young becomes visibly angry and argues about his first amendment rights before being casually released, at which point he turns the ignition back on, gets his phone back from Chiddo, and stops the video.

Richard W Young and Joseph F Chiddo receive citations from Rolesville PD on Sept. 11, 2023 Click for video

Social Media, Employment, Community

Richard Warren Young does not have a mainstream social media presence that we are aware of at the time of publishing. We were able to source two photographs of him on a family member’s Facebook from 2010. One of these photos includes the tattoo that is visible on his arm in the Rolesville video he posted on Gab.

Images of Richard Young from Facebook and from his own Gab, showing his tattoo

Richard Young, in pictures taken from Facebook and Gab

We believe that Young has worked on construction and hardwood floor installation projects in the past, but we do not know if or where he is currently employed. We believe he is most likely to be working in Granville, Wake, and Franklin Counties. Our research leads us to the conclusion that Richard Warren Young’s father’s first and middle names are the reverse of his own, and we believe the citation lists his father’s legal address. Public records show that Richard Warren Young is registered to vote at an address in Wake Forest that is owned by his mother.

Richard Young and Joseph Chiddo are scheduled to appear in Wake County court on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, to address their citations. According to reporting from WRAL, the district attorney has said the investigation is ongoing and that Young and Chiddo may collect more charges, including possible federal charges.

Our intent is to balance sharing what is needed for community safety with redacting some information to minimize further networking opportunities. Please reach out with any questions or tips.

About arelephanteau

antiracist/antifascist elephant bebe kicking up dirt @arelephanteau on twitter
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