Nicholas Garner Fisher and Blood Tribe Dixie: A Revisiting

Update: Within hours of this post going live, the Blood Tribe Dixie channel went private.

On July 5, 2024, a new Telegram channel went live for the Dixie chapter of the neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe. The next day, during a podcast episode, Blood Tribe leader Chris Pohlhaus stated that he and his group are planning to hold their next march “on the eastern side of the country.” [edit: within hours of publishing this piece, the new Blood Tribe Dixie channel was made private.]

Meanwhile, a Blood Tribe Dixie member going by Gladiator would like your attention for all the wrong reasons. Friends in the Southeast and beyond: We’d like to reintroduce you to Nicholas Garner Fisher, aka Gladiator, currently registered to vote at his mother’s home in Raleigh, NC (though we believe he actually resides elsewhere).

Previous Info Release
Garner Fisher was first introduced in August, 2021, as a Proud Boy hanger-on. The write-up detailed his 2020-2021 attendance at multiple events in North Carolina and Washington, D.C.; some posts from his now-deleted personal Facebook account; and a nod to his employment and criminal record.

At that point, the most recent event at which his attendance had been documented was the World Wide (sic) Freedom rally in Raleigh, NC, on July 24, 2021. Later, we published stills from video shared by antisfascists that show Garner Fisher with two Patriot Front members, Patrick NC, and Adam NC. We identified Adam NC as Michael A. Jones, a repeat rapist and member of neo-Nazi accelerationist group The Base. Patrick NC has not been publicly named as of this writing.

screenshot of telegram post from Gladiator, who has a drop of blood next to his name, signifying association w/Blood Tribe. Profile picture is of a person facing away from the camera, crouching, with a small child next to him. They appear to be fishing.Okay.

Garner Fisher Shills for Blood Tribe
On September 2, 2023, in Orlando, Florida, Blood Tribe held a self-coined “March of the Redshirts,” in what antifascist scholar and author Spencer Sunshine called a “coming out” for a “new wave of neo-Nazi groups”. We don’t know if Garner Fisher was in Orlando; we do know that he quickly started posting videos and images from the event, and within a few days had added a red blood drop next to his name on Telegram. Telegram users–particularly white nationalists, neo-Nazis, skinheads, and active club members–use symbols next to their names to signal what group(s) they identify with; some Blood Tribe members use the red drop of blood.

The day after the Orlando event, Garner Fisher posted (and quickly deleted) a picture of himself with Kent “Boneface” McLellan. McLellan gained notoriety as a heavily tattooed Swastika-bearing loudmouth in Orlando, but his otherwise stellar impact among the crème de la crème was stymied when it came to light that he is a big fat liar. With the prescience of a turd, Garner Fisher captioned the photo, “Two guys y’all may know and the legendary boneface. He’s real, hammer is real and Blood tribe is a legitimate and great group.”

screencap of telegram post including photograph of three shirtless men posing for the camera. garner fisher is on the left and wears a black hat and jeans. he has several visible tattoos, which is nothing compared to the person in the center--boneface--whose entire face and head are covered in ink. interestingly, his semi-bloated abdomen is the only visible part of his body that is not tattooed. the man on the right has wet hair and it appears he's spent time outdoors in a sleeveless tank, based on his tanlines. his hair is wet. behind the men there is a caution sign posted, as one might see at a hotel pool.

Garner Fisher (l), poses for a picture with Kent “Boneface” McLellan (m), unknown (r), apparently at a hotel pool.

Sanford, NC, October 15, 2023
While not sanctioned as a Blood Tribe event, Fisher joined neo-Nazis Ryan Patrick (Blood Tribe), Jarrett William Smith (“bomb-loving neo-Nazi”), and Jere Brower (Aryan Nations) in protesting a drag story hour in Sanford, NC, on October 15, 2023, as reported by Raw Story’s Jordan Green. Once again, Garner Fisher quickly shared media from the event.

In a still from video shared by Raw Story, Garner Fisher can be seen wearing a black cowboy hat with an Iron Cross pin in the center, a skull mask, mirrored glasses regularly worn by Blood Tribe at protests, and a Carhartt-style shirt. A child in an oversized jacket stands with and behind him throughout much of the day. A video shared online shows the group of neo-Nazis walking to the protest venue, with Garner Fisher, the child (in a white cowboy hat), and Ryan Patrick in the assigned matching skull masks at the rear.

Garner Fisher has a son under ten years of age and has told a group of neo-Nazis and white nationalists that his “boy is one of us.” On November 26, 2023, Garner Fisher posted an audio-clip in which he uses a slur to rant about Black people. At the end of the clip, he instructs someone who sounds like a child to repeat the phrase, “F*** ni****s.” We are concerned about this child and are putting this information here for the people in his life who love him, in case they are unaware that his father is actively grooming him into a world of hate, violence and neo-Nazism.

Blood Tribe Dixie, redux

In August 2023, Atlanta Antifascists wrote about Blood Tribe Dixie and their leader at the time, Steven Jason Parr. Parr–under his “Samizdat” handle–is still active with the group, but leadership with the Dixie division has seemingly fallen into the hands of Garner Fisher.

When the new Blood Tribe Dixie channel went live in July, 2024, we quickly suspected Garner Fisher might be behind it. An early post on the channel featured an edited picture of Garner Fisher at the Sanford, NC, event.

The channel has posted appreciation for the Ku Klux Klan and for Garner Fisher’s beloved Confederacy, which he celebrates as a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Colonel Leonidas L. Polk Camp 1486, out of Garner, Wake County, NC.

The channel posted a video of a man doing a Nazi salute while leaving the Raleigh, NC, location of Boxcar Bar + Arcade. We are nearly certain this is Garner Fisher in the video, though he has a habit of regurgitating videos of himself and making up different stories to go with them, so we put little stock in his caption. We do not know when the video was taken, though it appears to be fall or winter based on the clothing and the fact that there is football playing in the background.

Eventually, changes to the channel settings showed that Garner Fisher is, indeed, responsible for at least some of the content on the Blood Tribe Dixie channel. In a recent post, Garner Fisher showed his disregard for nature by collecting live sand dollars in the service of a shitty white power family arts and crafts project.

While his name still shows up as Gladiator, Garner Fisher recently changed his Telegram handle from CarolinaGladiator to SandDuneOutLaw, a nod to the North Carolina coast where he spent his early youth, and where he apparently did not learn respect for ocean life.

Skateboarding and Comedy
Garner Fisher is still active in the skateboarding community, claiming professional status as recently as July, 2024. As Gladiator, he posts pictures of himself skating and of his boards–many of them decorated with white nationalist symbols and slogans–often to fascist and neo-Nazi Telegram channels. There are still a number of images and videos to be found online of Garner Fisher skating, including this stunner move. Cool shorts, bro.

One channel Gladiator frequented regularly in the second half of 2023 was the now-defunct “Sk88ter Brigade” chat, where grown men used skating to recruit youth into the white power movement. The chat was associated with a channel called “Fascher Magazine,” a riff on the skating media brand Thrasher. When Garner Fisher joined the chat on August 27, 2023, he quickly posted several photographs saying he appreciated the channel name and announced that he is “banned from the mag,” referencing Thrasher Magazine. He then posted pictures of some of the alleged swag his supposed ‘west coast sponsor’ sent, unintentionally demonstrating just how shitty the white power skateboarding movement is (not to mention the questionable “professional” status he claims if this is what ‘sponsorship’ looks like).

We believe Garner Fisher has been politely uninvited from some skate parks, particularly in Raleigh, NC, but we have identified the Chapel Hill Skate Park at Homestead Park (Chapel Hill, NC) in some pictures he has posted recently.

We know that Garner Fisher recycles pictures, so we aren’t sure exactly how recent this was taken. While researching, we learned of a new skate park in nearby Hillsborough, NC, and we encourage folks in these areas to be alert to this self-described nazi. As a skater, names Garner Fisher has used include: Gladiator, Carolina Gladiator, Nazi Skateboarder, Gargnar, and Gnarly Sheen, and should be considered a threat in every community.In addition to his career as a “professional” skateboarder, Garner Fisher claims to be a “comedian.” We have not found evidence of him being funny, but we believe that he’s probably tried to get laughs from a stage somewhere, sometime. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW IN THE COMEDY COMMUNITY. Garner Fisher does travel a decent amount, and may try to do shows in North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Texas, Florida, and elsewhere.

Other Associations/Employment
Shockingly, Garner Fisher does not earn enough as a “professional skateboarder” and “comedian” to get by. While living in Tennessee circa 2011-2014, Fisher claims to have considered a career in law enforcement, specifically for cover in enacting violence on Black people. Content warning for unedited audio of slurs and reference to violence. You can hear the audio {HERE}.

Garner Fisher claims he has recently moved, gotten a new job, and is engaged to be married, though we have not been able to confirm or deny these claims. He alleges that his fiancee is generally supportive of his ideology, and that she assists him with his participation in the weekly neo-Nazi podcast. Previous employment we are aware of include cement contracting work and residential wildlife control.

Garner Fisher was listed as a new member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Colonel Leonidas L. Polk Camp 1486, out of Garner, Wake County, NC, on page 45 of the May/June, 2021, edition of The Confederate Veteran.

Action Items, Future Events

  • Blood Tribe leader Chris Pohlhaus recently claimed that his goal is for Blood Tribe to march in every state capitol, with the next march taking place somewhere on the eastern side of the United States. Keep a close eye on your state capitols and lgbtqia-friendly events they might be interested in targeting.
  • Make sure your friends and family who skate are aware of local neo-Nazis, including Garner Fisher, and keep your children away from him.
  • Spread the word about Garner Fisher in your local comedy scene. No laughs for nazis.

Reach out with any questions or tips:

We have chosen not to name the podcast referenced throughout this piece. Please feel free to reach out and we will share privately if needed. Similarly, we are not amplifying Garner Fisher’s white power skateboarding/Blood Tribe social media accounts.


About arelephanteau

antiracist/antifascist elephant bebe kicking up dirt @arelephanteau on twitter
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